PowerDyne Falcon Mini Bike, 1971

Yes, was on ebay. Max'd out at mid threes.
Is this bike no good? Runs good, drives great. It's complete.
Com'on, somebody must want to keep it whole.


Well-Known Member
Hey Capguncowboy,
I offered this to you at a great price.
What happened?
You did offer it to me at a great price. However, it's a days drive there and back. The gas would kill the deal, as would shipping if we went that route. I only really wanted the motor/kickstarter
hasnt anyone ever strapped a mini to a pallet and shrink wrapped it and shipped like that?
i sent a Hemi down south like that,was cheap too.
like 75 bucks to ship an entire motor!

know for Sure minis weigh less....:confused:
Yes, was on ebay. Max'd out at mid threes.
Is this bike no good? Runs good, drives great. It's complete.
Com'on, somebody must want to keep it whole.
You answered your own question. It was listed and bid, up to "what it's worth". If you want more you can stick to your guns and keep re-listing it, and maybe sooner or later you will get your reserve. Maybe not. Depends on how much time you want to waste trying to flip for a profit. Some of the (serious) collectors would like to have that bike, but just like real estate it's all about location, location, location. As you have found out, the cost to ship or drive to pick it up kinda kills the deal.