reaper chopper mini bikes and trikes out of canada

help!!!! i live in denver, co and am in love with the reaper bikes of roughly 2004-2007. i need to satisfy my junkie thrist to buy them, lol!!!! honestly, i am ready with cold hard american dollars , the bikes do not have to be mint, but they must run and work the way they should, i will do the rest to bring them back from the dead. i will also be happy to pay a finders fee to anyone who finds me my reapers. i am not a mad man, just a red blooded boy from the past here again. please call me direct at 303-885-4705 , please do not text, unless you are willing to have me call you back in person. we could be talking alot of hard earned money. thank you to everyone who reads this and i hope thwer is someone to help!!!!!!!! david 303-885-4705