setting up breaks to both work at the same time

Hello I am new here and I am in the middle of a rebuild and customization of a rupp minicycle for my son I am not trying to do any thing crazy just wondering of anyone out here has tried(succesffuly) to do a set up like this?
I would like to have both brakes operate at the same time off one control
I would any and all comments and photos of your set ups or of why this is a bad or great idea
I have the time and just want to see if it can be done I like to build and tinker and I don't like to buy anything I can make winter just started so we cant ride anyway the other option is a foot break I just didn't want to go that route
and tinkering is what takes aggravation out of my life:eek:ut:
Look for any old or used Trick Bicycles that have a gyro on their handlebars (if you dont know what that is, Google it ) and they all have a brake handle that is made to fit 2 cables at once, and you should EASILY fit the brake cables from the mini in it. that type of brake handle can also be bought online or at any Bike Shop. (that brake handle is also useful for Dual-engine setups :thumbsup: )
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[/URL][/IMG]Now that is a great idea i never would have thought of that and it is much simpler that what I was building so I am going that route but to all who dont know wat a gyro bake looks like here is a photo
I don't think it's a good idea for a 2 wheeled vehicle that relies upon the operators balance to remain upright.

I would much rather rely upon the 'processor' between my ears to properly modulate the brakes as needed due to the various terrain & traction.

Improper front brake application will send you over the bars real quick.
If you set them up right, you can get the rear brake to grab slightly before the front brake, which probably isn't a bad idea. I've seen it done on BMX bicycles and pb's, so I don't see any reason why it can't be done on a minibike. However, I agree with JM - if you mess up, you're doing a Superman ....