"Sticky" Moulded Messinger Seat


Well-Known Member
My son's Lexus is200 dash had a similar problem. The sticky part on the dash is made of rubber. Don't remember what he did to fix it though.

If you search Lexus is200 sticky dash fix you should find some useful information.


Well-Known Member
My son's Lexus is200 dash had a similar problem. The sticky part on the dash is made of rubber. Don't remember what he did to fix it though.

If you search Lexus is200 sticky dash fix you should find some useful information.
I'm sure I am not the only one that has had this common problem with this specific type of seat. When you have one that has been exposed to the sun and heat lets say for several years they seem to get very brittle crack and crumble etc. Then if you have one that has been stored inside where it's cool and out of the son etc they seem to stay fairly soft but it's almost as if a very fine mist of sticky oily type film slowly keeps bleeding out of them. Thanks! @Lizardking