Hi All, it's been a very long time since I've logged in here. I'll spare everyone the boring details on all that. I have a couple of Tecumseh engines that I'd taken from snowblowers a few years back to use for a minibike and gokart project. I ended up using a different engine for the minibike and the kart never happened, but I still have the engines. They both turn over but I've never run them. I don't have a use for them and figured before I just toss them I'd see if anyone here had any interest. They're located in South FL; I'm not going to ship them anywhere so they'd need to be picked up. If anyone's interested in them send me a PM.
Edit to add: I'll confirm when I get home but one's a 3.5HP and one's a 5HP I believe.
Edit to add: I'll confirm when I get home but one's a 3.5HP and one's a 5HP I believe.