wanted: west bend 820 parts


Active Member
I just recently scored a west bend 820 with slanted spark plug for climbing under a guys car and replacing a leaky transmission valve.
he claimed it was used on a boat and has a strange thick steel L shaped mount on the bottom, maybe to bolt to a transom with chain drive to a propeller? i dunno. i do have a 10 ft jet boat that i was thinking of putting a sideshaft on.... maybe this would be cool

its been painted yellow (bleh) has a small 35 sprocket on it, no nut on the threaded end, no pull start and no carb. otherwise seems good (spins freely)

I am looking for all the parts im going to need to put this on one of my vintage kart frames (unless it goes on boat) that would have had an 820 or something similar.

i need a crank nut
i need a pull start cover
i need a carb
i also dont know what else i might need, so if anyone has anything i need, please let me know here!!!

thanks in advance!
WB 820 parts

They make a copy of the US 820 and all the parts fit....see US motor power......also Tim at Cat kart racing Newhall Calif has the West Bend parts hes on e bay.... Comet karts also...Any Tilly HL series or Tillotson HL 334 A or smaller carb will work.....If you need to pull start it run the thicker head gaskets