would max weight ruin engine?

Didn't thought about this till later. Me and my kid rode the mini bike, together we weighs 310 lbs. Could this ruin the rod or other engine components? This is stock gearing 12 front 70 rear, predator 212cc.
Thanks, worried the engine might throw a rod or something. Don't want to end up in ER.

btw the engine ran 2 minutes before it shut off at 330 lbs when wifey and I got on it, flat road. I think I reach the weight limits on "my engine".
My stock motor has been riden by me with both my kids(me+son=260, me+daughter= 270), of course not all 3 together :laugh:. Also my wife and I(total=310) for over a year and half and have no issues.Its a blu clone but Ive heard the 212 is a bit better made?? Iono, Just be sure to maintence clutch and chain and you should be OK:thumbsup:

Oh, and my friend and his kids rode( him+kid=350+) it!!:thumbsup:


Active Member
I don't think you can hurt the engine by putting too much weight on the bike, you may burn up the clutch or bend the frame and wheels.
The engines shudder violently at the way to top speed with a rider 175# or more in my experience. With my son who is 175# and myself 200+ three of ours and a friend's shook the same way. Yes it is common and the engine's way of protesting under the strain so yes you can ruin one by overburdening it like anything. Many people have raved how they love the stock engines, good for them and I hope it lasts but it will not at least for long. My 8yo has killed two stock engines me and the boy never got on and has a 3hp briggs on hers now and me and Jr. both can ride it and it has excellent acceleration so I'd say the stock DB engines are grossly underpowered. Her engine came on a Roper I got and the owner said it was an edger engine, it's stamped 1976 and runs like a top with it's rebuilt pulsajet and cleaned and soldered tank. We love the many hours a week of trouble free riding it allows her to enjoy where before the disappointment was clear to see. I will say one stock engine taught her to ride and carried her for nearly a year on a brand new yellow Dirt Bug a guy got and his kid wrecked after one ride and parked. The fender was bent but otherwise new tags still on it. I have sold parts of six DB engines now and sent one to a member for experimentation.
