

    Southbound tire on a North bound Baja.

    The rear tire on my Baja is going south, and driving North doesn't help. The Knobs are actually starting to separate from the tire. It almost looks like someone cut around them with an exacto knife. At first I thought a few goat heads were causing a slow leak,so I threw in a can of fix a...
  2. 2SlickNick

    Arizona Bound

    It looks like I will be leaving the beautiful hills of W.V. and heading back to AZ. I plan on bring all my toys with me and enjoying year round riding weather. I will be moving to the Gilbert area again, which is S.W. of Phoenix approx. 1/2 hour. I know there are a few members out there - who...
  3. Neck

    Windber bound (maybe)

    So I've got my Astro wheel/sprocket/brake setup all assembled and putting it in the bike so I can measure for the left side spacer deminsion, and I think....maybe I should air up the tire. So I lock down all the axle nuts and reach for the air chuck, plug it on to the valve stem and start...
  4. sundries

    It was bound to happen sooner or later....

    Took one of the DB30s out for an evening ride through the neighborhood and instead of following my usual route- I rode up a street I usually wouldn't. It was still a enclosed set of street blocks like a neighborhood, but on the last leg of the street -(my open garage door was in sight) a black...
  5. derekbmn

    Minnesota Bound Tule Trooper !

    Now... I normally wouldn't make such a thread , but I gotta share a little bit of my excitement. My Tule Trooper is set to arrive within an hour or so and I gotta say I haven't been looking forward to something this much in a LONG time ! Arriving Fedex in a pretty massive box and weighing in...