212 rpm issues

i have a 212 on my db some mods are done ,billet flywheel,billet rod, exhaust,rejet and filter,Autolite 3910X Spark Plug, governer removed, i had the factory sprocket on there the valves started floating around 5500 rpms which is normal until i do more work but i changed the sprocket to a 53 tooth and now around 5000 rpms it kinda misses and bogs down ive tried both jets in the stage 1 kit. it almost soungs like its starving for fuel bc sometimes i have to stop and let it sit for a sec then it will run fine almost like the fuel bowl is running dry.... any suggestions thanks
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New Member
Have you checked your spark plug color? After it dies @ WOT pull the plug. White, no. Tan, perfect, black, Ok.

If its white, check you installed the jet kit properly. If yes, you may need a bigger jet after the governor removal and other mods.
i do have the Autolite 3910X Spark Plug hoping that would help. still the same however i ddint check the color i will check that today, ya the jet is in properly i have swapped it back and fourth a few times lol.. thanks hent


Active Member
Here is a suggestion ... Stop running an engine for all it's worth until you do all the necessary upgrades ... Keep running it till the valves are floating and you will be going back to harbor freight for a new one ..
" it almost soungs like its starving for fuel bc sometimes i have to stop and let it sit for a sec then it will run fine almost like the fuel bowl is running dry.... any suggestions thanks "

This sounds like a clogged tank vent. I would lisiten to Tim's advice in the post above.


Active Member
Sorry Dustin if that response came across as being a jerk .... Was not intended that way !! You will damage your engine if you are not careful .. doesn't seem worth it for a couple extra bucks