Cool stuff on Craigslist

The first kart is a all fibreglas FunderWheels Go Kart , except for the spindles and rear axle and a few other steering parts it is all fibreglas or composite of somekind . I have one just like it only mine is not beat and broken like that one , but that one does have the original cog belt drive system on it and they are hard to find complete . Most people dont know what they are called or never seen one

The first kart is a all fibreglas FunderWheels Go Kart , except for the spindles and rear axle and a few other steering parts it is all fibreglas or composite of somekind . I have one just like it only mine is not beat and broken like that one , but that one does have the original cog belt drive system on it and they are hard to find complete . Most people dont know what they are called or never seen one

Have you ever found anybody with parts for those Funderwheels? Just curious..have a couple of the Vettes.
No parts supply that I have found . They are very far and few between E Bay and Craigslist is the only ones I have found for sale and most of the time they are broken and beat or sold before I call on them . They are kind of cool for kids but made for concrete and not for here on the farm .