handle bars

after seeing dave wulfs' simply bad ass ape hangers on his project i had
to have a set. i found some 1 inch .062" wall tubing and cut a 26" length.


applied some geometry and cut the tube into three pieces.


and gas welded them into the beginnings of a set of handlebars.


they need a bit more cleanup but the welds came out good. i used
the smallest tip i had and was careful not to blow holes through the
tubing wall. a fun evening!

i might just buy risers off of of amazon or ebay or have the local
machine shop water jet a couple pieces of aluminum.



Those would be considered "drag bars" ( ape hangers have a lot of rise; drag bars have none ). Looks like you did a good job for gas welding. You can buy risers for $10 and up. Do yourself a favor: when you mount them, have them angled back and down. Most drag bars have a bit more angle than you have, there. If you use about 1/2 of the angle for for backsweep, and about 1/2 for drop/droop, they should be relatively comfortable. Many people have the ends angled up, which is uncomfortable for the wrist; the ends need to angle down and to the rear.

Bars look great Phil ! :thumbsup: Just goes to show if a man has the right tools ..:grind::hammer::weld:.he can build about anything .... If he puts his mine to it.
The local harley dealer here anything $30 is gonna be $60 unless it has the harley logo on it and then its $120.

But yeah I agree drag bars can be found for $30.
there isn't a piece of anything on my harley, short of a sparkplug, that costs $30.00. :eek:ut:

anyway, it was fun cutting, welding, and grinding......

i guess i should to explain this; dave inspired me, wasn't trying to
make a set of ape hangers, just a set of handlebars. his stuff
is complicated with bends, good welds, forethought, etc. i was
just having fun.
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