Hey guys im finishing up my go kart build and have it all together, but this thing is almost impossible to start. The valve lash is good, but i dont think its getting enough fuel when pulling the cord or something. I had it running for the first time today for a solid 45 seconds with the enrichment device open on my mikuni 22 carb. It idled FAST. Once i started closing that slowly the rpms went slightly lower until it died and i couldnt start it up again. For test purposes im gravity feeding fuel and will hook it up to a walbro fuel pump, but i realized i have the adapter fitting plugged(red hose).. would this have an affect on trying to start the go kart? Im thinking if i unplug it, it might suck a little more fuel and thats what i need to save myself from pulling the cord 2 hours just to get it to run once.