Hs40 won't run?

I changed the points and the condenser, new plug,cleaned the carb, valves seam good. Starts off starts off starting fluid but after that nothing. I am really getting sick of these Tecumseh engines. Any ideas? Maybe timing?


Well-Known Member
If it starts off starting fluid, its a fuel problem. You didn't say if you sprayed the starting fluid in the carb or in the spark plug hole but if in the carb and it pulls in the starting fluid and it runs, the carb is not getting gas for some reason. Maybe a stuck carb needle/seat or plugged fuel filter.
I changed the points and the condenser, new plug,cleaned the carb, valves seam good. Starts off starts off starting fluid but after that nothing. I am really getting sick of these Tecumseh engines. Any ideas? Maybe timing?
I agree with chrisr, take the bowl off and see if its full of fuel. I had what looked like a mini birds nest in my inlet elbow once. There is a screen in there that can clog. I took the needle and seat out and blew air up there and blew that nest out the opposite way with an air compressor. That worked.
I sprayed the gas in the carb. I just cleaned the carb last night. I have a nos carb I will try then.I just want to get this dominator rolling. I'm at the point to where I'm just going to ride it down a steep hill.
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When I have problems like that I use a small propane tank with a valve and hose. Stick the hose in the carb, turn on the propane and start the engine. You should be able to run the engine on propane. It will tell you if you have a fuel or ignition issue.
Ok so I have gotten it to run on choke. But every time I move it out of choke it just dies. This is the problem with both of the hS40's I'm working on. I cleaned both the carbs again tonight so I'm just baffled. If it wasn't so expensive to take them to the engine shop I would take all of them in. But I really am trying to figure these things out since I have abought 20 Tecumseh engines right now.


Well-Known Member
Starving for fuel.
Open up your adjustment screw just a 1/8 at a time.
Then when that don't work throw it..:laugh:

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Did you say you took a wire to the main jet to insure its unplugged and does you main jet have a adjustment screw? The main jet may need to be a little richer like the idle mixture may need to be a little richer and you do this with a 1/8 of a turn at a time for the idle mixture and your main jet on the bottom of the fuel bowl 1/8 of turn at a time as well.

Ok so I have gotten it to run on choke. But every time I move it out of choke it just dies. This is the problem with both of the hS40's I'm working on. I cleaned both the carbs again tonight so I'm just baffled. If it wasn't so expensive to take them to the engine shop I would take all of them in. But I really am trying to figure these things out since I have abought 20 Tecumseh engines right now.
You need to get this figured out because more than likely I'm going to be having the same problems with mine real soon. I need someone local to give me a hand. :thumbsup:
They have a main jet screw and I cleaned it out with a wire. I even tried to set the timing and that didn't work. I've tried adjusting the carb and still dies out of choke.

Baja if I ever figure these things out I'd be more than happy to help out.


Well-Known Member
To idle without the choke the idle mixture screw will help turned out a 1/8 turn at a time to richen things up some if the main jet is close, but if it won't idle without the choke on the main jet needs to be richer first before the idle mixture screw can work correctly by backing out the screw 1/8 turn at a time. This is all assuming a float that is level and is getting a good supply of good fresh gas to the float bowel.