I hadn't been trolling Craigslist for bikes for a while, simply because I have had my hands full, but for one reason or another, I looked and found this Motovox MBX10 for sale for $100. Was a new post, and too cheap to pass on, so I jumped on it.
I wasted no time in tearing it apart...
The dude I got it from said they couldn't keep a chain on it and it was pretty obvious why. Both rear wheel spacers that center the wheel were missing and it had some kind of generic gear, bearings and washers attached as a tensioner.
Luckily I have extra front spacers to cut down and my daughter's Motovox to reference.
With the rear wheel centered, a new tire ordered and the Jerry-rigged tensioner removed,(have a proper spare tensioner amongst my many parts) it was time to do something about the hideous plastic fenders...
Of course, after a good wash.
Going back to my spares, I dug up a couple of Doodlebug fenders and a lower set of MX style bars off my daughter's old Raxor MX350 electric dirt bike and swapped out the rusty handlebar clamp hardware. I carefully and evenly bent down the original steel fender brackets to mount the DB fender right over the back tire.
The lines were bothering me and the fender needed some cutting and re-shaping to look like it belonged.
I then moved on to the front, making a nearly identical matching front fender out of another rear DB fender.
Making use of my spare parts, I am trying to keep this one on the cheap. Custom fenders free...