scat kitty

I don't think they are rare. Maybe uncommon. I think that's a good price. I turned down $1200 for mine when I had it for sale. I was asking $1500. I still got it and glad I didn't sell it. It's a good bike for kids to learn on. Mine were around 3&4 when I got it and they had fun on that thing. So did my wife. I still buzz around on it ocasionally. We call it her bike though. My wife and 2 children wanted a cat so I jokingly told her if I can get this Skat Kitty you can have a cat. She did all the bidding 7 yrs ago and won iton eBay. We ended up getting 2 cats. I hate cats but I got a Skat Kitty out of it. I almost ended up winning a trophy at a bike show that same year with it. They were giving out trophies for "most unusual anything with an engine" and my Skat Kitty and Terra Jet got the 2nd&3rd most votes behind some German street bike ?? I should have won. That trophy was cool. I got best bike trophy for my 73 ATC90 though. We need more shows in New England.