Speedometer pickup wanted for bronc.

Hello...I am looking for a speedometer pickup (that attaches to the front wheel) for my super bronc. It has 22x11-8 tires. Perhaps an old heald trike owner would work as well. Thanks.
speedo pickup

I checked with Ron but unfortunately he only has the speedo head itself (so I bought one from him), and no wheel pickup. He thought perhaps an exercise bike outfit may have something for a 22" tire.


New Member
Originally Posted by pilotchris

Perhaps an old heald trike owner would work as well.
i don't see how putting a person on the front wheel would help.

He could count the revolutions per minute and multiply that by every foot:laugh: So you can put a person on the front Eisenstein:doah:


New Member
Like strigoi has told others It's not smart to give out your email address:doah:Your asking to get spammed scammed or even get a virus :no::no::no::no::no: