TEC Ser# Plate ?


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Hi Gang, I have removed the Aluminum Ser# Plate from my shroud on the 4HP TEC

Used a little paint stripper an now its free from any paint.

So, the question is, should I re-paint it when I paint the shroud?

OR, should I Polish it and keep it bare?

I think painted would look original, but that aluminum will really shine polished out....I'm going with polished ! :thumbsup:


Banned - Must pay $500
I just know the numbers are easy to read now, then when it was painted.

Plus, no one is really going to see it when all painted and done. Its more of a personal thing.

I'm painting the 4HP and the 5HP, the 4 was O.G. Black with twin flag, the 5 was Orange.

Hmmm, do I go Orange again? White, Black, Grey? What to do, LOL


Banned - Must pay $500
Thanks, there is lots of unused space on that plate and not much free space on the shroud.

So I'm going to add the Lub info decal to the plate as well.


Banned - Must pay $500
Guess if I did some checking , that is where Tecumseh puts the decal, lol

Becoming fond of the paint being stripped of the Aluminum tag.

This is off the H30 engine I'm redoing.
