Video 60's cool or not? Mattel V-RROOM


Active Member
I wonder how many parents bought one of those and then regretted it while they had to listen to the dam thing all day long.


Active Member
Thanx for sharing..... no way ever would my parents gond for that. They took the one off my big wheels the 2nd day after Xmas.:laugh:


Growing up is optional
If I remember correctly, it's like a little drum inside, and a weight hanging on the armature beats against it.


Active Member
about 10 years ago I bought one in the box if I remember correctly it was missing the handle bar control switch maybe I should look again
yeah Im a hoarder:facepalm:
Cool thread. I remember seeing these on TV and always wanting one. OK, I was probably a dumb kid, but for the longest time I thought they were real engines we could put on our bikes. :laugh: