I am hooking up a new linkage kit for my tecumseh h35. I am confused by the spot where the cable tip connects. I have circled the part in the picture, that im referring to. A few bolts and nuts camew with the assembly but not sure what they are for, if i try to use them to lock the cable down...
Hello I just picked up a x90 mini bike the front wheel assembly was apart I'm trying to put it back together but can't figure out how the spacers ,speedo drive assembly ,washers go -any help would be greatly appreciated -thanks
I'm Looking for either a 60 or 72 tooth sprocket for a Simplex Mark II Go Kart. It would be great if the sprocket is in usable condition but I will also consider a sprocket with worn teeth, I can use the hub.
My brother beekeeper (Tom) is looking for a Bonanza sprocket and brake drum assembly for 6" Go-Powers .. doesn't have to be perfect, just function as it should ..
Wanted Victor brake drum assembly. This drum assembly is used with an ASTRO or tabloc 5 spoke wheel assembly. These were typically used on the Barris bikes and others. It should be three pieces includes a wheel adapter, a 4.25 inch cup and the brake housing holding the brake pads and arm...
I'm in need of a Limtco brake drum plate or assembly to complete the wheels for my Stellar Black Beauty. If anyone can help I'd really appreciate it. Cash or trade (if I have something you need). Please PM if you have something. Thank you. A.J.
very lightly used Comet 2 speed assembly, along with Max Torque 2 speed clutch (3/4" crank) Both have the same amount of use, not much at all. Jackshaft is 8.5" long (take off from a Rupp C350 as we put it back to factory setup-non jackshaft/direct)
Very clean, j/s support bearings even feel...
Headlight/tailight assembly with harness and handle bar switch. tail light is missing the lens.
(headlight and taillight have Fox tags).....$45. shipped
I don't have any experience with small block Tecumsehs so need a little hand-holding here. Is the breather housing one piece or two? Just looking to replace the element and it appears pulling it out of the narrow slot is not correct. Also, the housing gasket looks to be sandwiched rather than...
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