Hi I'm craig from Victoria Australia, I've just brought a Gemini 50 its all complete but just chasing a few parts who's the best person to talk to
Cheers craig
Just finished my Gemini B4 scrambler today so I'm posting a before and after shot.. What a great seat from Manchester 1. I guess it was what you call a Basket case..
Like the title says, not sure on the brand or model. Just a roller missing fenders tank and rear brake drum Shock and from forks work and are not frozen. Looking for $100.00 or will part it out if no interest in the whole bike. Pick up only from Syracuse 13204 unless it gets parted out. P.m. me...
I have a question on actual size of the Gemini SST80 vs. the SScat (saxonette 50).
My soon to be 14yro son is looking to up grade to a bigger bike. Ihave the opportunity to pick up a Gemini SST 80 for $350
but if it's not bigger in size than the SScat it wont do me any good.
Hi mini bikers,
I've just jumped in to the mini bike world and bought a Gemini SST 50, I'll be trolling the forums looking for info, advice and direction.
My boy loves it:-)
Hi I just picked up a 1970 Gemini sst50 project. Looking for handle bars, gas cap and tank badges,spring for kick start,kickstand spring, side cover bolts, ignition with key and a few other parts . I'm looking for information on what Yamaha YG1 engine parts will work ? Places to find parts ...
looking for rear wheel bearings for gemini, 12mm id x35mm od,15mm width,flange sealed bearing,also rear brake cable,does any body handle any parts for them.
Just acquired this bike yesterday at a swap meet for $50. Most of it is here, but the original 2 stroker was replaced with what appears to be a 5 HP Briggs from the 1970s, and a comet clutch. Not sure if Briggs or Tecumseh engine, as I have parts for both, and there is no ID info on the block...
Hey Guys, I'm Ben and i'm from Australia,
a few years ago i restored a complied 1978 Z50J for my old Boss and after that i fell in love with monkey / mini bikes.
last night while on facebook I saw the gemini for sale so messaged the seller, as it turns out he also had tthe other bikes so now...
Anyone know of a supplier/vendor that can re-line the brake shoes on my Gemini? The shoes I have are in decent shape, but there's no friction lining left on them. It appears that the original adhesive gave up some time ago.
DIBS! Going up to look at it next weekend. Don't buy it out from under me.
(Can't seem to post any pics or links. Keep getting a "New posts are checked for number of URL's" message.)
C-list in Madison, WI. has a listing for a bike that appears to be a Gemini, but I'm no expert.
New to the forum, and just "found" what appears to be a Gemini Scrambler at a swap meet over the weekend. Going to need some original/aftermarket replacement parts. Anyone have a line on a known supplier? Perhaps one of the other members might have some good used components?
Sorry, have it...
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