Barack just joined the NRA

I read your post and I guess I realy can't argue with your logic.
I don't live there.
A good friend of mine in Atlanta tells me when he bought his home in the 70s it was a nice quite place.
Still a nice place but he actulay can't sleep without a handgun under his pillow because he can hear the gun shots now at night.
Maybe you realy do live someplace so violent and dangerous now that is your only option.

Voting is still importand.
But if you say the have nots out number the haves and are voting in their own interest that is a symptom of a much deaper problem that needs to be resolved.
If its that bad.
Maybe you realy do need to pack heat, have or have not....

OS says everything I type smacks of class warfare.
Since I do not watch TV I don't see it.
Maybe itrs already in the streets ( time to watch some Amrican news ).
Kinda funny,most or a lot of our tv shows are filmed in Canada.
Here the good or up scale neighborhoods are the ones that get targeted(kinda dumb to rob the poor)so it's not weather you live in a good or bad spot,it if you got something worth taking.
There was a time when the dollars was worth 62 cents US that it was cost effective to make a lot of things in Canada.
I don't know now though with the dollar above par with the US greenback.
don't waste you time old stock, the news is biased -edited by the powers that be.
The news isn't real!
They make all stories sound exciting and action packed!
It has the agenda of the owners and only really care about selling crap during the commercials!

OldMiniBikes is more real and more news than you will find most places!


Well-Known Member
But if you say the have nots out number the haves and are voting in their own interest that is a symptom of a much deaper problem that needs to be resolved.
If its that bad.
Maybe you realy do need to pack heat, have or have not....

OS says everything I type smacks of class warfare.
Since I do not watch TV I don't see it.
Maybe itrs already in the streets ( time to watch some Amrican news ).
"The have-nots out number the haves" [a Quote from the above post] is an intrinsic part of nearly every class-warfare jingle you come up with. Yes, it is certainly fair to say that everything you type smacks of class warfare. Well, you used the word 'everything' but that's not really the case of course. But possibly you are unaware that it is often the dominate theme. In one form or another it is the same song: "Them rich guys are stealing from us poor guys."

Yes, if we look at the third word nations [especially sub-Sahara Africa and etc.] there can be no doubt that they have breed like flys and outnumber the non-cavemen people [haves] in the more developed countries. Is that what you mean? Obviously not. It is the developed countries populations you pander this faulted proposition to. And the proposition [rich getting richer/poor getting poorer] is demonstrably false. All that is necessary is to have lived at least 35 years and open ones eyes!
"The have-nots out number the haves" [a Quote from the above post] is an intrinsic part of nearly every class-warfare jingle you come up with. Yes, it is certainly fair to say that everything you type smacks of class warfare. Well, you used the word 'everything' but that's not really the case of course. But possibly you are unaware that it is often the dominate theme. In one form or another it is the same song: "Them rich guys are stealing from us poor guys."

Yes, if we look at the third word nations [especially sub-Sahara Africa and etc.] there can be no doubt that they have breed like flys and outnumber the non-cavemen people [haves] in the more developed countries. Is that what you mean? Obviously not. It is the developed countries populations you pander this faulted proposition to. And the proposition [rich getting richer/poor getting poorer] is demonstrably false. All that is necessary is to have lived at least 35 years and open ones eyes!
Everyone is equal but some have more money and power.

America is a violent place defined by its need for more guns to protect ones self.

And there is nothing wrong with that because it exists to a greater or lesser extent in many other places.

" breed like flys and outnumber the non-cavemen people "
Wow, put it like that and I don't know what to say.

And have and have not is my interpretation of this.
"1)We are past the point of where we have more people in the wagon than we have pulling it

2)Some states have more voting power because they are an over populated entitlement society "
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Silly question here - has anyone noticed that those trying to restrict the rights granted by the 2nd are those surrounded by guns to keep them safe? :hammer:

Why are we discussing this? The Bill also says the rights (of the 2nd) shall not be infringed - what's left to discuss?

Call your congressional leaders and tell them to vote down any restrictions.

If they have to propose something - how about educational classes for those purchasing firearms so they at least know which end is the dangerous side and proper care?


Well-Known Member
I think it should be written.

"Everyone should of a gun, a minibike, and a black jacket with a rupp riders patch on the back"

I can ride my black widow, carry my AR-15, and throw on my Rupp Riders jacket and ride all the way to the front line. Might even need a long bayonet so I can joust.

Joking aside, I carry a Springfield Armory XD(M) 9mm with 3 20 round mags constantly. Why do I carry? Not really sure. I've never been mugged, or robbed out on the street, but I have been in some sitituations where I thought I was going to have to use it. One sitituation was quickly defused because I reached under my coat and the guy who was hassling me and my ex wife quickly backed off.


Well-Known Member
I dont get it. Somebody sent $25. to the NRA so obama can be a member. for $25. can anyone get a card like hitler, charles manson, I think pelosi or michael moore would have been funnier choice. Seems to me it could have been done better.
I read your post and I guess I realy can't argue with your logic.
I don't live there.
Quite honstly, nobody can argue with it unless they are:

1)Sheltered/far removed from it (Rich actors, musicians, politicians for know, many of the ones screeming for higher taxes, gun control, etc)

2)In denial (see above examples)

3)Clueless (Once again, see above)

A good friend of mine in Atlanta tells me when he bought his home in the 70s it was a nice quite place.
Still a nice place but he actulay can't sleep without a handgun under his pillow because he can hear the gun shots now at night.
I hear gunshots at night all the time. Most of the time it's the neighbor in the middle of the night shooting at predators that come after his chickens, Sometimes the people from another country 2 houses down that have multiple families occupying the house, as well as a half dozen motor homes in the backyard with some trashy looking plywood fence surrounding it in hopes that nobody notices the shanty town out back (I live in a country neighborhood where we all have 3/4 to 1.5 acre lots)

Quite often some distant gunshots from the river that runs past my neighborhood

Maybe you realy do live someplace so violent and dangerous now that is your only option.
No, not really. We do have pockets of areas that you don't want to go through whether day or night, but if you work for a living you don't ever have to go there unless you choose to.

My business is located in an industrial park area in not the greatest neighborhood but certainly not the worst... Definately a lot of tweekers around there though.

I myself worry about home invasions around here more than anything, and we have rashes of them here and there. Being in business I feel like more of a target even though I actually make half of what I did working for someone else doing the same job due to the raping uncle sam gives me for being self employed.

Voting is still importand.
No doubt. I still do it, but with electoral votes and all, there is really only a half dozen or so states that decide the outcome. California is an entitlement society and you really have to live here in the sub-middle class and personally know people who work the system to really see it.

But if you say the have nots out number the haves and are voting in their own interest that is a symptom of a much deaper problem that needs to be resolved.
If its that bad.
Yes it is that bad and there are generations of families on the welfare and SSI doles (and I mean SSI "crazy" pay, not Social security for 65+ - people here actually get rewarded for being a drug addict and unable to hold down a job)

I have a Sherrif customer that told me of having to handcuff an 11 year old boy because he attacked him when he respinded to a call at the home. He told me that (and keep in mind that he doesn't often get called to good homes) MOST homes he goes to are unfit for kids. How can you expect things to change when you have kids being raised by lowlifes that work the system and sell drugs/steal for a living. How are the kids going to turn out?

And the people that can least afford and are ill equipped to raise children are the ones having the most children. We have a 4 year old here and she's a handful. How can anybody have a half dozen kids and spend time with and work with them to teach them manners, morals, etc. - let alone provide an education, etc to them?

Sorry, but there's no changing it. It's only going to get worse. Many responsible couples that my wife and I know chose not to have kids. So... if every person that sucks on society has 3 kids (on average), then they just tripled the doles in a few short years at the same time that responsible people AREN'T bringing new responsible people into the world.

Maybe you realy do need to pack heat, have or have not....

I went 42 years without packing, but have felt much safer the last couple years now since the Sherriff decided to start making permits easier to get in our county.

See CA is broke and the Sherriff was forced to lay off a LOT of deputies, and at the same time some brainiac politicians decided that the best way to control prison overcrowding is to release thousands of felons on the streets WAY ahead of time, so we have a huge spike in crime the last couple years due to that. The most recent incident was a couple weeks ago when a 60 something old man had to shoot a punk fresh out of early release due to attacking him in his garage.

These guys are released onto the streets with no supervision, no parole, no nothing. The only way they go back in is WHEN they commit another crime.

time to watch some Amrican news
Be careful with that. Most news outlets are jaded and lean from moderately left to extreme left.
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Silly question here - has anyone noticed that those trying to restrict the rights granted by the 2nd are those surrounded by guns to keep them safe? :hammer:
Yes, Bill O Reilly mentioned that the other night...ever notice that the rules different for "those" people?

Why are we discussing this? The Bill also says the rights (of the 2nd) shall not be infringed - what's left to discuss?
Oh, maybe the way the current administration hopes to get around the constitution with a UN backed global gun ban treaty?

Or maybe not going after guns at all, just ammo...which isn't mentioned in the constitution?

Thank god it takes 75% of the states to overturn a constitutional ammedment...instead of some BS electoral vote thing that gives more power to the less responsible. There are WAY more red states than blue states. That's the way the elctions should be decided as well.

If they have to propose something - how about educational classes for those purchasing firearms so they at least know which end is the dangerous side and proper care?
I submit that they should make it very tough to own a gun...same requirements as to get a carry permit - then give anyone that owns a gun legally the right to carry it concealed.
Kinda funny,most or a lot of our tv shows are filmed in Canada.
KInda funny that the liberal arts types that scream for higher taxes go to Canada to cheat their own country out of taxes, labor laws, unions, etc.

Once again, some people get to make up their own rules and expect everyone else to follow a different set....
Yes it is that bad and there are generations of families on the welfare and SSI doles (and I mean SSI "crazy" pay, not Social security for 65+ - people here actually get rewarded for being a drug addict and unable to hold down a job)

Other states must be different as in Iowa we have a lot of young and old Alcoholics who cant hold a job getting most of our SSI payments in the smaller communities where drugs are not popular . You do hear of a few getting SSI for drug use but we also have fewer crankheads and crackheads than there is in California :shrug:
Yes it is that bad and there are generations of families on the welfare and SSI doles (and I mean SSI "crazy" pay, not Social security for 65+ - people here actually get rewarded for being a drug addict and unable to hold down a job)

Other states must be different as in Iowa we have a lot of young and old Alcoholics who cant hold a job getting most of our SSI payments in the smaller communities where drugs are not popular . You do hear of a few getting SSI for drug use but we also have fewer crankheads and crackheads than there is in California :shrug:
in texas we have a crapload of abusers to the system, and yes, lots are younger generation strung out on meth or crack and cant hold jobs, dont want to hold jobs, only job they have is they steal from others to pawn....just a screwed off society we have developed, its getting worse daily, certainly not getting any better for sure.
KInda funny that the liberal arts types that scream for higher taxes go to Canada to cheat their own country out of taxes, labor laws, unions, etc.

Once again, some people get to make up their own rules and expect everyone else to follow a different set....
KInda funny that the liberal arts types that scream for higher taxes go to Canada to cheat their own country out of taxes, labor laws, unions, etc.

Once again, some people get to make up their own rules and expect everyone else to follow a different set....
I call Bullshit on that.
Your the ones with low rate of unionization, tax rates so low your going bankrupt, labour laws so weak and counter productive to the working class and ECT ECT ECT....

Your country has policies that effectively are trying to turn you into Chinese labourers and its bad for our standard of living.

Never forget CAT moved electromotive to the USA in order to take advantage of right to work rules and a labour force willing to work for 50% pay for a union job.

Let me throw this right back in your face
"Once again, some people get to make up their own rules and expect everyone else to follow a different set...."
Your the ones slipping fastest and dragging us with you.
I agree our Tax System needs a serious overhaul, as it truly is screwing us. I blame most of the problems of our economy on the greed of corporations deducting their way out of their share of the tax system. Government spending however is another serious problem. Labor laws sure sometimes they go to far. Lack of unionization though? Not so much the problem as you make it to be sir. My parents have spent 30 years in a Union company that has slowly contract by contract taken benefits away since the plant changed hand 10 years ago. My non union manufacture job has me making more with better perks than my mother, just a year after high school (My dad's a Mechanic with college education so that's another story). But unions aren't so great without descent representatives.
Now how we got here from our Second amendment rights only a Canadian could know. I still say that posing a threat to those in power is the reason we have our gun rights. It's supposed to keep politicians in line. And it works. without our guns they will quickly dismantle the rest of our rights we hold dear.
I agree our Tax System needs a serious overhaul, as it truly is screwing us. I blame most of the problems of our economy on the greed of corporations deducting their way out of their share of the tax system. Government spending however is another serious problem. Labor laws sure sometimes they go to far. Lack of unionization though? Not so much the problem as you make it to be sir. My parents have spent 30 years in a Union company that has slowly contract by contract taken benefits away since the plant changed hand 10 years ago. My non union manufacture job has me making more with better perks than my mother, just a year after high school (My dad's a Mechanic with college education so that's another story). But unions aren't so great without descent representatives.
Now how we got here from our Second amendment rights only a Canadian could know. I still say that posing a threat to those in power is the reason we have our gun rights. It's supposed to keep politicians in line. And it works. without our guns they will quickly dismantle the rest of our rights we hold dear.
The things that make the most effect reforms will make you all scream.
You will not except a VAT combine state and fedral sales tax will you....
You won't close deductions like morgage interest.

And yes we are WAY off topic.
But if you want services you need to pay for them.
Or cut out all the services.
Pick one or the other......
We were in far worse shape in the 90s and we cut spending and taxes.
Of course all it took was 5 years of a conservative govermernt bent on tax cuts and corp welfare to balloon our deficts and debts again.
That should be a lesson in itself.


Active Member
NOS, I'm curious...

Because I really have no idea.

About how much of every dollar you earn do you keep? If you gross $100, aside from voluntary contributions, etc., how much is your paycheck?
NOS, I'm curious...

Because I really have no idea.

About how much of every dollar you earn do you keep? If you gross $100, aside from voluntary contributions, etc., how much is your paycheck?
This week I banked 1258 dollars, I paid 402 in federal tax, union dues 25.18.
I gave 85 cents to the local humanity fund, 47 cents to international development and another measly 47 cents to comunity projects.

After picking up my pay check I put 65 dollars worth of deisel ( 50 litres or so ), I paid 8 bucks for a pack of smokes and bought a 12 dollar six pack of dutch beer ( I like the taste ).
The wife was not home so I stopped at Subway and bought 9 dollar 12 inch sub for supper ( this included the GST of 14% as did all the taxable items fuel is subject to GST on top of fed and provincial road tax, Smokes have a sin tax as does booze TAX TAX TAX TAX ).......
Lastly I gave 25 dollars to the united way ( tis the season after all and they were collecting at the Liquor store )....

At the end of the day I drank my beer, ate my sub, smoke half that pack of 25 cheap Players filtered.
And I didn't hear any shooting, see any crack whores, or get mugged by drunken knife wielding hoboes......
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