The chassis is all back together on Project Baja MB200 GC and time to start the engine. The engine is a non-hemi R210-111 from HF that came with the project and not original to the bike. It looks like brand new out of the box minus the muffler. I ordered the OEM muffler and gasket off the web and got it yesterday 7/19.
Today I changed the oil, installed the exhaust and tried starting it. Fresh 91 octane gasoline. Fuel on, switch on, choke on and pull pull pull. No start. Took the choke off....pull pull................and pull some more. NO START. Pulled the plug it was wet.
My wife came out and pulled the starter for me while I checked for spark. Had spark. Choke on, pull and pull some more and more NO START! grrrrrrrrrrr! I'm now thinking I got a bad deal because the Predator engine I have on the Coleman started on 2nd pull out of the box and after assembly.
After a half hour of trying to start it my wife pulled on the starter rope and it started 1st pull. I flipped the choke off and let it run. Ran rough and after about 5 minutes it would then purr like a kitten for about 20 seconds and then run rough for about 40 seconds and then start purring again. It would cycle like this for the next 15 minutes until I turned it off.
The engine is not mounted with bare output shaft. The fuel tank was empty when I filled it with fresh gas. Is it possible there are bad gas deposits in the carb? Or does this sound like a teenagers tune up and adjustment?
Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.
Today I changed the oil, installed the exhaust and tried starting it. Fresh 91 octane gasoline. Fuel on, switch on, choke on and pull pull pull. No start. Took the choke off....pull pull................and pull some more. NO START. Pulled the plug it was wet.
My wife came out and pulled the starter for me while I checked for spark. Had spark. Choke on, pull and pull some more and more NO START! grrrrrrrrrrr! I'm now thinking I got a bad deal because the Predator engine I have on the Coleman started on 2nd pull out of the box and after assembly.
After a half hour of trying to start it my wife pulled on the starter rope and it started 1st pull. I flipped the choke off and let it run. Ran rough and after about 5 minutes it would then purr like a kitten for about 20 seconds and then run rough for about 40 seconds and then start purring again. It would cycle like this for the next 15 minutes until I turned it off.
The engine is not mounted with bare output shaft. The fuel tank was empty when I filled it with fresh gas. Is it possible there are bad gas deposits in the carb? Or does this sound like a teenagers tune up and adjustment?
Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.