That video put a smile on my face Doc.!! :smile: Very nice bike you built!! :thumbsup:
Thanks Jdogg,
So far this bike has needed almost nothing as far as set-up. In retrospect, I haven't had a bike so bug free off the bench. I do have one little nit to figure out but it's going to have to be warmer than this to fuss with it. The high speed is just a hair off. It's probably within a 1/4 or at most 1/2 turn and it will be good. Frankly I don't ride it full speed as the yard is too wet to go on yet so it's just not a problem at this moment. I wasn't 100% convinced I'd like the riding qualities at first but now I am so glad I did this one.
Right now it's tractor service time. Yesterday I got the blower off (used it only once this winter, Yehaw!!) and I am servicing the deck. I stole a 4hp 1967 Briggs off a tiller and I have to remotor that one and it's back to minibikes!!!!:laugh:

. It will take me at least a week to get this stuff done and probably more like 2 so the weather needs to be good by then lol.