In house shops??

Just curious if anyone else works on the mini bike in the house. I have a "shop" in the basement. Difficult to keep odors and such to. A minimum. Especially as I want to learn how to weld....:confused:
I work on my minibikes in the garage which is under the house. If I run engines too long I get bitched at - by my daughters! After 5 years it has permanent 'minibike' smell. They say:sad: I say:smile:


Well-Known Member
I snuck a bike in the house once.:laugh:

And the only way that happened was, I had recieved it in the mail and it was on the front porch. Easier to go through the house.:eek:

She didn't think that was so cute.:eek:ut:
I've been building air cooled VW race engines in my basement for many years and now I'm doing some work on my mini bike engines as well.. I have a Knee Mill, lathe, drill press and a band saw in my basement but I keep the grinding,sanding and welding for the garage. I can get in and out of my basement from my garage too.
I don't know if I would do any welding in my basement.
shop in basement no, but a really cool wife yes.
we have a french door in our walk out basement. so I've had my Harley, atv's, dirt bikes, scooters, and mini bikes downstairs.
but if they get stinky they gotta go out.
I re built a 340 plymouth motor out of a 70 Cuda in a 2nd floor apt far as minis garage/shop is attached and the door is real close to the living area, it has a forced air wood burner that keeps the shop and house warm....I have to be real careful about fumes of any kind but it works out great.
I have a work area in my basement that I have been utilizing lately. Have both bikes down there. I don't have to wait for the garage to heat up and it's pretty clean so it's been great.
I recently did a complete Predator engine swap on a new little bike on the living room floor (where it was nice and warm...!)

I bought a cheapo carpet runner at Wally World to park it on...

Hope it warms up this week so I can re-fit the Predator to allow for a jack shaft modification...(outside)...Some drilling and a little Dremel tool grinding was OK on the carpet runner...but I don't think welding around carpet and furniture is such a good idea...!!


Well-Known Member
I have a hobby room in the basement where I build my engines and work on other stuff.... No gasoline or starting the engines down there though, that is left for the garage..I built a small paint booth room with a door that's vented via two exhaust fans outside for painting small parts, models, etc..

It works for the bike, but I can't really do much with cleaners or paint and the snow and ice lately nixes that. We had a carport but my wife turned that into a physical Therapy clinic..... The things I put up with for money.....:biggrin: