Mean Dean in his younger days

Mean Dean

Active Member
Yeah LOL that's me. man I am dying in the hospital the last two weeks and you guys caught me on the way to the emergency room. That is an Artic cat. If it was really me I would have been on my Grasshopper on the way to Woodstock. A fifth of Jack Daniels and a fatty I am on my way.
Your gonna need a bigger seat Dean :laugh:
You got a camera on my wife changing eh lol???????

Boy oh boy....
Cheap shot about her weight, glad she never reads this.....

Hi-jackin time.....

Never pick up a box of tampons for your wife and yell across the store " are these your right harpoons honey "
Never shout call green peace we have a beaching as she climbs out of the pool.....
Never slap her arse and time how long it takes the wigle to stop....

Alll these things and more will piss off your wife lol.
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