Personal speed record!

Set in my youth at a Blazing 24.6423mph on a cat mini. This has haunted me for years being over 40 I vowed to break it . Well yesterday the stars alined and with my rupp speedster I was eager to best that old record. I strapped on my GPS and I took off like a shot! (you boys would of been proud of me) 18mph 19,20.21 then it happened that boulder came out of noware (it was more like a 35mm rock) I veered to the left then to the right,left,right,left boom. The Doctor say I was lucky. I told him my Harley Fat Boy is a real handful at high speed's.The flintstons bandage's come of my knee and elbow in a couple of days and I ALMOST cryed! The wife has grounded me from any speed attemps for a while but I WILL return. I hope.
Who threw the rock? Was it a nasty neighbor? did you hit one in the road? You went to the doctor for a scraped knee and an elbow, WOW, you must have great medical insurance coverage,lol.
OH frock!!!!! I agree with oldman, you need some goot ruk.

Oh and in order to break the previous record, it has to be on the same type mini as what the previous record was set. And also has to be a back to back run(down and back). So, heal quickly and next time get videos!!!
Rudedog it was a PERSONAL speed record so double passes do not count. The idea was to beat the record . I just had the need for speed , to feel the wind in my hair (if I still had some), fresh bugs on my teeth, the freedom of the open road. Besides that cat mini
could not hold my fat ... .The doctor is a neighbor when he saw all the camotion came to help. Very funny! no one threw anything! it was bad luck. And I will break that SOB record!..
Joe....I'm guessing when you hit that rock you flew off of your bike and went flying through the least for a short distance. I've got a hunch that at that moment you were doing more than you did beat your old record....congrats....Ogy.
Over 100 people looked at this thread and all concerns were about ME !!! Not one person
asked how the bike was doing What kind of cruel and insenitive people are on this great site??????
Given that most of the bikes we own survived 30+ years of kids (young and otherwise), we know they are more durable than you!!! :thefinger:
WELL she has a scratched headlight, received some gravel up the tailpipe and I have a splint on her broken p-eg. She not talking to me I feel she thinks I abused her. I tryed to tell her it was an accident but. I just made a beautiful DIAMOND (shhhh cubic zirconia)
chain cover she'll be sporting when all mended.
Over 100 people looked at this thread and all concerns were about ME !!! Not one person
asked how the bike was doing What kind of cruel and insenitive people are on this great site??????
Just change her oil and slap some Neosporin and a couple of Flintstone Band Aids on her and she'll be alright.:thumbsup:
Yeah, and some times it helps to add a little 93 octane to her regular gas diet, just a drop or two of some good carb cleaner, to make her feel better:confused:, if your mini's a girl they perfer Barbie bandages, and a good kiss on the twistgrip. I have 2 now, both girls, always fighting over the mirror in the shop, lol, the one with no wheels, keeps bitc*hin' cause she needs a brake band to fly, the other one thinks that she's the fastest, the guy bikes are going off cause, well they are getting totally overhauled, parts and pieces are getting higher and higher every day because of all the new interest in minibikes :doah:ROTFLMAO
Oh and Joe, don't get me started about you taking advantage of that sweet little two wheeled girlfriend you had between your legs the other day when you hit the rock, you should of been a little more carefull! Heck I thought you got hit by a rock, thrown by a nasty neighbor wanting to discourage your juvenile behavior:thumbsup: OTFALMAO !!!!
Joe, When trying to reach a goal in life you should always be prepared! you should of had full protective gear on, a Knight's Armore, is recomended, Road Rash hurts, and don't forget your goggles, and for God's sake next time save the mini.:biggrin:
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i also have my own personal speed record, but it is a lot faster then 19, mine is set at 38 Mph on my modified 2.5HP briggs powered Sprite. i haven't been able to beat it yet because i need to find a long enough stretch of road and a bigger engine. But i do think that my speed record is the fastest that ANY briggs 2.5HP engine has ever went (so far)
Alas I DID IT!!! Record broken new one set a 25.1126 mph. After a long delay while my Baby healed. The broken p-eg fixed, headlight taken off (to shad some weight) and a very well deserved cleaning. I found a steep hill and had a Southeast wind (from the back) and most important a permission note from the wife! I DID IT!! You boys would have been proud. I could only hold the blistering speed for about 40 seconds but MAN what a feeling. With tears of joy I like to thank my sponsors, Geritol, Viagra, Pepto-Bismol, ZEE corp. (witch make bandages, Ice packs & other fine medical supplies)
Gamin GPS, and Sunoco fuels. Thank you All. Jo

P.S Please don't remind my baby about that Diamond chain guard!!!!SHHHHHH
Now that you best your previous personal record, I believe a world record is in order.
I think Depends, Hanes and Charmin may be appropriate sponsors if you build something for the Salt Flats....