I've talked with a local business owner in Grand Rapids and he has okay'd the use of his parking lot for the use of having a minibike swap meet / sale.
Only enough room for about 15 vendors, but that should be plenty.... for now. Cost would be $10 per 8x12 space.
Anybody in the West Michigan area that may have interest in participating in this event please contact me, thru this thread or thru a PM. I would like to see how many people would show interest in something like this.
This would take place on a Sunday morning in the month of May, not sure of the date quite yet, but will have that soon.
Thanks and hope to hear from some of you Michigan minibike collectors.
Only enough room for about 15 vendors, but that should be plenty.... for now. Cost would be $10 per 8x12 space.
Anybody in the West Michigan area that may have interest in participating in this event please contact me, thru this thread or thru a PM. I would like to see how many people would show interest in something like this.
This would take place on a Sunday morning in the month of May, not sure of the date quite yet, but will have that soon.
Thanks and hope to hear from some of you Michigan minibike collectors.