Powell 3867 d restore

Thanks guys for the comments. We are both very pleased with the Chrome Shop results also. Scott and Paul, y'all both have experience with having serious chroming, I was hoping y'all thought it came out nice. I think the shop did exactly what they told David they would do. We wanted it to look good from most all angles, they got it right.

My biggest problem now is " getting to ride it". I told David that we could place a small square of the footrest rubber on the brake pedal, like Scott did. He responded, " there's no need for that, I don't plan for there to be a foot on that pedal." I reminded him that this is the only brake, he just said " uh huh." I hope we can at least start it.

Well another evening at work got the forks back together . These are H model fork and have a different end on them and have to be cut to take apart and then welded to put back together , pics .
Why Forks

Not sure why we need "Forks", your not going to let me ride the dam_ thing anyway. It does look good brother. Can I ride the little E bike sitting in the back?

Well one more late night on the powell D , this is getting old . Got the jack shaft pully on and throttle on and seat bolted to the bracket , also got the front wheel on so we just about have a roller . I would have had the rear wheel on but brake lining is not here yet , more pics .
well besides all the bull sh-t going on in my build i got a little done yesterday . The material for the foot plates was installed , got the idea from the scottessy powell .