Predator 212cc Throttle Kit recommendation?


New Member

I am in the process of building my first mini bike. I picked up the Predator 212cc engine to mount to a Bad Dog mini bike frame. I am now trying to decide the best throttle option, and there are a couple of options on OldMiniBikes, but significantly different prices. Does anyone have experience with either of them? I found instructions for the $28 one (TD_KMP118), which seems nice, but if the $8 option works fine (TD_KM194), then why not. First time to post, and it doesn't seem to want to let me post the links.

I tried searching the forum, but after 10 pages I never found anything.



New Member
Interesting - thank you for the replies. So I don't even need some kind of stand off bracket for the throttle cable housing to anchor it and direct it at 90 degrees in to the stock throttle linkage assembly? I must not have paid enough attention in looking at it as it is in the stock setup.
First welcome to OldMiniBikes. Pull off the air filter box. You'll get a better view. There should be a conduit clamp and a wire swivel already on your linkage. You'll need to loosen the center 10mm nyloc nut until the throttle lever returns freely. Then cut your cable and conduit to length and Install. You may want to add an additional return spring due to the drag of the added cable and twist grip.

Sent from my Texas Instruments Speak and Spell...[emoji2]


New Member
Thanks for the feedback! This forum keeps blocking my posts for links or language, despite neither. Does this always happen? I can barely respond.