I am in the process of building my first mini bike. I picked up the Predator 212cc engine to mount to a Bad Dog mini bike frame. I am now trying to decide the best throttle option, and there are a couple of options on OldMiniBikes, but significantly different prices. Does anyone have experience with either of them? I found instructions for the $28 one (TD_KMP118), which seems nice, but if the $8 option works fine (TD_KM194), then why not. First time to post, and it doesn't seem to want to let me post the links.
I tried searching the forum, but after 10 pages I never found anything.
I am in the process of building my first mini bike. I picked up the Predator 212cc engine to mount to a Bad Dog mini bike frame. I am now trying to decide the best throttle option, and there are a couple of options on OldMiniBikes, but significantly different prices. Does anyone have experience with either of them? I found instructions for the $28 one (TD_KMP118), which seems nice, but if the $8 option works fine (TD_KM194), then why not. First time to post, and it doesn't seem to want to let me post the links.
I tried searching the forum, but after 10 pages I never found anything.