Symco Shakedown 2013 show and Drags

The Symco Shakedown Traditional Hot rod show featuring vintage mini bike drag racing is getting closer...Who's going? I will have a swap space Friday and Saturday and will be volunteering on Friday for a while. Stop by and hang out.

Symco Shakedown
Sorry for butting in, but I have some updates for this year's Symco minibike drags. Feel free to pass this along...

Because of the growing interest in the Minibike Drags, we are forced to introduce some new rules and guidelines. These are being put in place not only for liability reasons, but also to keep this a smooth running and safe show for all involved. We hope you will respect our decisions, and understand that this in the best interest for everyone.
More Symco info: There wil be a show area for minibikes, to be determined. There will also be a parade on Friday including the Beja Shriners at 6 pm. This should be the best parade to date!
Had a great time at the show. Got to hang out in Craig's (f150tilt) swap spot with his buddy talking about mini bikes, cars and 29 year olds (inside joke :laugh:) I parked my bikes along side of Craig's build off bike which he did a beautiful job on. I was able to meet Mark G, his wife and Delray at the mini bike drags which had an incredible turn out this year. I didn't get to take any pics but Mark G took some so hopefully he will share them here. Always great putting faces to names. Great bunch of guys, and gal. :thumbsup:
2013 Symco Shakedown

It was fun and I had a blast meeting OldMiniBikes members and many many others. We do have to remember the Symco Shakedown is first and foremost a traditional hotrod show. It is huge privilege and expense for them to allow mini bikes to be apart of the experience. It only take one idiot on a mini bike to ruin it for all.

I literally got to talk Mini bikes for 2 days straight nonstop. The excitement and smiles on the kids faces makes all the hard hard work and expense worth it. I had one experience with a 5 year old and his young family I will never forget that pulled on the old heart strings.

I will work on adding more photos.
