Windber 2013 Ribbons

Windber 2013 Ribbons

I am posting this notification for all those OldMiniBikes Members that have not yet received there MiniBike Contest Winning Ribbons from Windber 2013. I talked to Jeff Mihalko this afternoon and asked about the awarding of the ribbons for those contest winners that left before Sunday morning. He was very considerate and apologized for not having taken care of the mailing of the ribbons before now. He told me that he was going to work on the mailing ASAP, possibly next week

I also asked for his permission to inform OldMiniBikes members that there Ribbons were on the way. He asked that I please do. I will make a separate posting of this notification on a separate thread since the owner of the site has made it clear he wants talk of the missing ribbons to cease in this thread. If anyone involved has any additional question Concerning this matter, please PM me.

Jesse Wulf

Whew!! Well there's a relief. :rolleyes:

Not so sure said owner of the site is particularly concerned about it constantly coming up in this thread so much as just being sick of hearing it altogether.

Like the rest of us are.


Well-Known Member
It's the bs like this crap over a damn ribbon and several other particular events to include threats in pm's, that are making me concider,I am outta here.

Just not what it use to be!!!