
  1. markus

    Is this an alsport?

    110 maybe:shrug: is it a straight axle or are they suspended, no engine I see a driven, is it anything out of the ordinary or would I be able to find a driver pretty easy? Anything bad to look for on the rear drivetrain? Not something I have room for and not easily re-sellable in...
  2. gumpit

    Alsport RTS-SL

    1973 alsport trisport Trike
  3. hemigremmy

    Tri sport or Alsport or .... for sale cheap

    NOT MINE....
  4. motocycle

    Alsport Sign

    I will be taking the Alsport/Tri-sport, to the Winber meet. I'm asking $650. I think some of you had seen the other Alsport sign I had, a twin to this one. It sold for $1,200 on ebay This is not quite as nice, but still it would be awesome hanging outside or inside your shop. This was...
  5. CaptNugget

    Wards T555 jackshaft bearing ??? + Tri-Sport TS110 ???

    Hi. I have a few questions about my Wards T555 and my Tri-Sport TS110. Wards T555:The jackshaft was missing a bearing when i got it, (putted around on it anyway, couldnt help it, snapped jackshaft). I have i believe all the pieces to replace it, sandblasted jackshaft mount, **But the old...
  6. U

    1974 AlSport Trike on Craigslist

    Just wanted to post a link to a nice looking 1974 AlSport Trike I saw listed on Craigslist in Michigan: Tri-Sport Trike
  7. CaptNugget

    Need: TriSport TS110 sprocket

    Hi.. Putting new bearings on my TriSport TS110 and putting differential back together.. I figured ill just replace sprocket as well while it's apart.. Couldn't really find a match on OldMiniBikes Warehouse.. Does anyone know where I can get a new one? Or one to correctly replace it? Old one looks ok but...
  8. CaptNugget

    Need: Tri-Sport TS-110 sprocket (off differential)...

    Hi.. Putting new bearings on my TriSport TS110 and putting differential back together.. I figured ill just replace sprocket as well while it's apart.. Couldn't really find a match on OldMiniBikes Warehouse.. Does anyone know where I can get a new one? Or one to correctly replace it? Old one looks ok but...
  9. CaptNugget

    6x8 trailer trade for trike (central il)

    Hi i have a 6x8 trailer I'm selling/trading I got a bigger 7x12 for my trikes I would be interested in trading for a trike (alsport, tri-rod, etc) Trying to grow my toy collection and as much as $ would help I'd gladly take another trike I hope this isn't too out there for a post on here...
  10. 45t

    Alsport TS-50 trike

    I'm in the process of reducing my collection and getting out of the hobby. I'm only keeping a few bikes. So, the first thing up for sale is my Trike. Its a 1970/71 Alsport TS-50 adult sized trike. New tires, decals, throttle and cable. Fiberglass seat pan is in good shape some spiderweb type...
  11. CaptNugget

    Alsport Differential Bearing Help Needed...

    Im working on finishing my Tri-Sport TS-110, I need to replace the bearings on the differential axle. I got the differential off trike, taken apart. The inner 2 bearings slipped off with little resistance. However, the 2 outer bearings wont budge. I tried tapping them with a hammer but no luck...
  12. gears_5


  13. Alsport_Trike_project_013


  14. J

    1974 Alsport Tri-Sport Trike

    I have recently acquired a 74 alsport trike. I know nothing about it, but I would like to know what I have to do to get it running properly. When I got it, there was 15" chrysler tires on it. They had a 16 hp motor and had the chain going straight to the axle sprocket. They kept the motor and...
  15. MisterRoboto

    alsport street

    anyone thinking about selling a street legal alsport with registration? getting my first motorcycle but always wanted an alsport sl so figured id ask
  16. Peekster

    Alsport trike

    Looking for a alsport trike. I have a heald and a snowco but would like a alsport for the wife to ride on the ice. Roller or complete.
  17. dcoy

    Alsport trike project

    Hi All. I'm new to OldMiniBikes, so I'm getting used to how the site works. Just finished an Alsport trike project. I think it was a TS130. I got my kid off the X-box for awhile to help me and was able to drink a bunch of beer in my garage! Enjoy the pics!
  18. T

    Alsport Tri sport

    [/IMG] I bought this tri sport new,and have had it nearly 40 years. Does anyone know how many of these were built? It never had a roll bar with it when I assembled it. Does anyone know where I can buy a roll bar for it?
  19. 001361


    Entry level model Alsport trisport MTS-30
  20. Fat Boy

    AlSport RTS8

    If anyone wants to buy parts off this Alsport RTS8 trike before they go to E Bay PM me this weekend :thumbsup: Parts are located in Iowa