Need for the bike build off, Big block Tec H50 throttle linkage. Let me know what you have. I have the correct cover, just need the linkage but would be interested in a complete setup also. Thanks
OK guys I have a question for you guys running stock or SA carbs on a Honda or predator with the gov removed and a stock tank ... Can you please share pics of your throttle hook ups ..
When using the original throttle control on a Predator or Honda clone you can add a second return spring as seen here:
(click to enlarge)
If you've loosened up the retaining nut and/or removed the friction washer and still find you need a little more help to pull the cable back, this will do...
I am looking for a specific throttle assembly. I don't know what it is. Can someone identify it for me?
I am looking for 1 or 2 to purchase. If you have one please send me a PM and lets talk.
So I got the CnC Bored Box Stock Carb from OldMiniBikes along with a filter kit and a few other items for my non-hemi Predator 212.
After mounting the new carb, I noticed the throttle rod, while in a 'resting' position, is pulling the carb wide open:
Then I realized the original stock...
Can someone confirm if this is correct on my SB. The throttle doesn't want to close if the move the lever that the cable pulls at all. If you move the lever far enough to close the carb the spring on the arm is totally free and not returning the arm any longer. In the pic you can see that the...
This is a Cite side pull throttle in pretty good shape. Turns smoothly...and that's with no grease! The pin that keeps the assembly together is stripped and will not come out. Will not need to be removed for operation or refurbing. I did not try real hard though! This fits over 7/8" bars, but...
ok long story short, engine has no governor, billet rod, flywheel, etc, i will be using the stock throttle linkage with slight modifications but the real question is I don't have a conduit holder and was wondering if a substance like QUICKSTEEL/STEELSTIK would work to hold the end of the...
I have searched, tried every carb adjustment there is and still bogs as soon as I cracking the throttle.
Idles perfect.
Just barely cracked the throttle and rpm's begin to raise then just bogs out.
Let off, idles perfect.
Brand new carb because original was doing the same thing.
What am I...
I wanted to post up some info, as I could not find much info on the kit I installed for my throttle linkage from OldMiniBikes warehouse:
I previously had the below kit, cheap: I was on my 2nd kit for this bike, this setup is...
Would anybody know where would be a good place to purchase a throttle cable at least 106" long, for my daughter's Heald Super tryke? Ron Kimball from Power Tec does not carry them anymore. Even a good quality kit to custom-make one would help. Any ideas would be appreciated.
Does anyone know of a source for a nice plug and play throttle linkage for a hemi predator with the governor removed I've seen a few but they all say does not fit the hemi.
Where can I find a quality twist grip throttle, preferably with a built in kill switch? I've used the cheap Chinese pot metal versions that seem to be rough and crumble after some use. Every site I've been to have about 12 versions, but very nondescript about the innards.
I have a one inch throttle that is the old school metal barrel type with Beston grips...$23.07 shipped and the Doherty faked EMGO 1" brake and clutch levers at $24.61 shipped I will not separate the levers or the throttle and grips. Buy it all and save 6.00 on the lot!
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