For those of us without parts to donate. I am sure buying the raffle tickets will help. Rick does amazing work and his willingness to donate the project to Jeffs cause is what makes Rick a great guy. Even though I know the finished project won't fit me. I plan on buying a lot of raffle tickets to help out. The more we raise the better. And even if you can't attend I am sure we can find someone who can help get it closer to you on their return treks home.Don't let it's location discourage you from attending.I drive over 500 miles and some people drive much further to get there.. Windber is an amazing event and put on by great people and attended by a great group of people. We all have "site friends",but the bonds that are made attending an event like this is something I consider special. Whether it's talking mini bikes,racing mini bikes,having good hearted fun teasing Buckeye, or watching Peekster and his puppet that has a striking resemblance to Boatguy,you need to be there to appreciate it.