I need to do a reverse lookup on a license plate. I dont want to pay 15 bucks just to run one number. Im wondering if anyone here is a private investigator who has already paid for such a program or anyone that could get this info for me. I had some idiot driver nearly kill me today. Not like the usual close call that everyone has. Im talking about a milli second from death. I followd him and took down his plate. He in turn tried to brake check me(stupid) then stop in the middle of the road with many cars behind us, and get out of his car while yelling all sorts of ish at me. I never got right up on his bumper, or anything. I laid on the horn after he brake checked me and got out of the car, as did everyone else behind me. I just wanna know where the guy lives so i can write him a letter. Seriously, not a violent or rude letter. Just something that may open his eyes. I did call the cops and let em know but nothings going to come of it. Im sure someone will say just let it go but id really like to contact him if possible. He acted like a fool. Not a grown man