Go Kart Minibike Manufacturing Business for Sale on Chicago Craigslist

What brand is it? That's what I could not figure out. It's actually a good deal till you have to buy product liability insurance.


Well-Known Member
I'm movin.:laugh:

Heck, between chatten, delray, markg, and yoop, we'd have a hell of a crew.
Expand from there to just mini bikes and reproduction parts.
Then me wintering in the South.:laugh:

I think it would be a blast!!:thumbsup:
I would not be so concerned initially with the asking price. The first thing I would want to know is how the seller determined the inventory value ? Is that a "retail value," are we talking about - CNC machines or we talking about simple jigs and tubing benders to bend metal. Recouping $65,000 in 60 months does not seem unreasonable, however if the $190,000 is the retail number the business may only be worth $25 to $30 grand.

I would be interested in hearing Steve Durham's opinion. Have a great weekend. NASCAR on Fox in Phoenix, Arizona.


Well-Known Member
And you, gumpit, as sales director.:laugh:

Karen, woulf need to be in this.
Seat and Tom Thumb Departmental Head.

We could get Derek in this. I'm sure he would let us borrow that Cat collection to disassemble and copy. Yeah, that's it.

And of course, cheezy, Head of Security. He also can show us all how to have such large biceps.

No question, carbeplay, Head of Bling and Chrome.
there's a reason that there are a bunch of frames - they likely don't have the rest of the parts available to finish them.

$65k is a lot to buy someone elses debt. :deal:
I looked those pictures over a second time. I don't see any manufacturing ? I don't see any equipment? All I see is assembly,parts inventory..that's it. Could they have been bringing frames from overseas and just assembling? Ya know completely building a item with other people's parts never works out well nowadays!
Thanks for the link. Funny video of the VP. I thought of "Go Pro" a company worth investing in. Two surfers, one success story, one not so much. Has anybody here ever seen or heard of these products. The community is vast, their not a Pep Boys supplier. Not concerned about product liability costs on an unprofitable company or C corporation.. Minibikes are simple, the rest of the products like Hent mentioned, have numerous componants and cost 10X the frame.. Maybe more > ? Who sells a profitable business on CL any-who. Pass..