Green Rear and front shocks runs??

Here is another bike from my collection i doubt the motor is correct but unsure the brand of this mini bike as well. Thank you for any information on any of my bikes!!!
That seat was probably recovered in leopard print material. It's not the same seat as the Scat Bat.

It actually looks more like an El Tigre seat.
The solid front forks would make it a Golden Pinto/Fury.
It looks like solid forks may have been modified to suspension type.
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Most Certainly a Bird , and probably a Foremost Golden Pinto , I believe the later models did have the straighter handlebars , The front fender mount is incorrect but an awesome bike all the same ! You will however need the appropriate decals for the fender plate and clutch guard ( if it has one ) , I have them available $5 ea.
NOT an El Tigre. The El Tigre frame slopes before the seat mount, has a on/off switchplate welded between the top frame rails and has tubing around the whole base of the seat.
frame looks like a bird but not sure
You are not wrong, Foremost frames were Bird built. I'm always getting Bird bikes mixed up but I'm fairly certain it's a GP, the seat looks to be covered with someone's grandmas throw pillow cover rather than made that way. We have seen our share of leopard skin covered seats around here in many forms, all were bad ideas IMO.:doah: