I did it up this time

I fell down in the kitchen and landed on my left shoulder and had to call 911 to get me up off the floor and the pain was uncharitable. after the ambulance left I went into shock and my house mate covered me up and raised the heat in the room. No sleep that night and the VA is 120 miles away and I couldn't drive with only one arm working. So tonight I went to emergency care here in Astoria and X-rays showed that I broke my shoulder, guess who is left handed me of course. I have a isolation cast on and a sling. You find out real fast how much this changes simple thing that you have to do. Four months ago I went Japanese in the bath room and bought a Bidet called BIO BIDET and it's just great for people my size and it works wonderful. kind of personal I know but it's a changing world and we must adapt. Typing with one finger is not much fun.
I hope it wont require surgery so pray for me if you can

Steve :scooter:
I was a lic. plumber in a past life! My first bidet hook-up, water hit the ceiling! WTF are these things? Hope things get better 4 you!


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear Steve.
Shaft of the humerus or the ball?
Hey, could of been worse. Thank goodness it wasn't you hip.
You will be back in the game pretty quick.
Any questions, send me a PM.
Keep you fingers moving while in the sling. They get swollen and stiff if they just set there.
Prayers my friend.
I know I don't post here as much as most, but I lurk and read threads a lot. I have always enjoyed your posts. Lots of good stuff in them. I hope you get feeling better soon. you will get really good at using your right hand, right about the time you get your left hand out of the sling... at least that's been my experience.
Hang in there and mend- you WILL get there. From one BIG man to another (I am 295 lbs.) "the bigger they are, the harder they fall " (and the more they get hurt!) certainly applies here. Keep us updated on your progress (and challenges) as you recover.
Hope you are feeling better soon! What do they do for that just tape you up? Is it the ball end of the upper arm bone that broke?
Sick call lol

yes it was a crack in the ball of the bone and I guess I will have to go to the Portland VA and have them provide for my care now that I can't do it by my self. The VA has been great for me but they also protect themselves and it's hard to jump through the hoops to get action for things like nursing care in home.



Well-Known Member
Hi Big Bro Steve
I hope and pray that each day will bring you closer to getting well... and you have a speedy recovery..
If there is anything you need or I can help you with please do not hesitate to call me you have my cell...
Love ya...:sailor: