
  1. D

    reaper chopper mini bikes and trikes out of canada

    help!!!! i live in denver, co and am in love with the reaper bikes of roughly 2004-2007. i need to satisfy my junkie thrist to buy them, lol!!!! honestly, i am ready with cold hard american dollars , the bikes do not have to be mint, but they must run and work the way they should, i will do...
  2. P

    electra mini chopper redux

    hey, has anyone made anything cool out of one of these doofy little 50cc choppers. i found one complete for 50 bucks. it has the dual rear wheels. thinking of putting a briggs on it. let me know
  3. jeep4me

    Stretched chrome chopper bicycle

    A guy wants to trade me this chopper bicycle for a Puch moped I have. But I don't know anything about bicycles and their values. The bicycle comes with a 24v electric drive system. I'm not asking for a value, cuz i know that's not allowed, but if someone could fill me in on the type of bicycle...
  4. Whisper Jet XL / Sensation Chopper Mini-Bikes

    Whisper Jet XL / Sensation Chopper Mini-Bikes

    The only 2 photos I have of our old bikes, 1971/1972.
  5. Whisper Jet XL / Sensation Chopper Mini-Bikes

    Whisper Jet XL / Sensation Chopper Mini-Bikes

    The only 2 photos I have of our old bikes, 1971/1972.
  6. topnotch

    WTB: Bonanza chopper kick stand

    Looking for a Bonanza chopper kick stand.
  7. Midyrman

    Wanted: Bonanza Chopper Flyer

    Does anyone have an original flyer you want to sell? This would be for the 400 or 500 model. Thanks. Tom
  8. topnotch

    Bonanza CR 500 Chopper

    I'm starting on a new project, but I need some help with colors for the project. Is there anyone here who knows the correct color and name of the orange paint that Bonanza used on the Cr500 Choppers ? (I'm not sure if it was Omaha orange, chevy hugger orange or something different, is there...
  9. Thad

    Bonanza chopper seat vs old bicycle muscle bike seat?

    I am considering giving up the search for a seat for my chopper and hitting eBay for a bicycle seat. What is close and will work? Considering a Mesinger seat and also a Troxel. Any tips pointers or advice would be great. Thinking purple sparkles for my daughter. Lol!
  10. Not so mini bike

    Acme little chopper frame and fork

    This frame is in great shape. No bends breaks cracks or re welds. Only issue is 4 extra holes drilled in engine plate. You don't see these that often. $200 plus shipping
  11. cheezy1 clue part 3

    Ok...I don't usually post here...but we all need help Anyways...I posted this twice before here and never got a real answer or anyone that has ever seen one besides mine. Until this week I have only seen I have two thanks to another local member. My guess has always been...
  12. james ackerman

    What kind of chopper is this?

  13. D

    Whisper Jet XL chopper need pics of unrestored bike

    I have a Whisper Jet XL chopper that my dad bought new in 1972 ? for me when I was 13. Never took any pictures of it then. I would like to restore for my granddaughter. Engine not correct, seat missing.Tires have never gone flat , still have air from when new !! Would like pictures of...
  14. Thad

    Bonanza chopper forks and seat and seat pan

    Please help if you can. I am trying to get this ready for my daughter for X-mas. She is the only one who fits! Lol! Feel your heartstrings being tugged. Thank you for any help and for your time and interest.
  15. V

    Arco chopper 3 resto mod.

    Got this bike as just a frame with the other 2 arco choppers I bought and I'm chopping this one up so a full size adult can fit on it. Plans are stretching it 5 inches. Get rid of the sparkle banana seat since it hurts my ass. New foot pegs, engine plate, swing arm and shock mounts. The forks...
  16. G

    Wtb bonanza chopper forks/Handelbars

    I really want a fork/Handelbars for a bonanza chopper that isn't damaged. I don't care if it's rusty I will get em re chromed. Message me if you have them for sale.
  17. Thad

    Bonanza chopper seat pan

    I need a bonanza chopper seat pan peferably with the cover and foam intact but... If there is a difference between the e code model seat and the regular model I have some research to do. Thank you. If you also have a good free set of forks also I may be in the market for those too. Thank you...
  18. T

    Arco Chopper 1

    Hello Team. Quick question For you Arco peeps, Just picked up an Arco chopper 1, and was wondering between the two models Arco 1 and Arco 2 chopper which one is the most common? I have never seen an Arco 2 chopper in person, hence the basis of my question. Thanks
  19. markus

    Comette Chopper Trike!

    Seeing a Comette mini bike is a rarity in itself, but how about a factory built Trike version of the Comette III :ohmy: Yes, this was posted in the craigslist section last week, I knew someone that was in that area that is chopper crazy and texted him that it might be worth...
  20. S

    Rietti chopper engine upgrade??

    Working on a little chopper that seems to have a Mitsubishi 43 or 48? Engine Looking to put a 212cc in it but rear sprocket is on passenger side, current engine is right side shaft CW rotation Predator 212 is also right but CCW rotation Might just flip wheel and modify brake(brake on left...