
  1. Txpowdercoater

    kenny bernstein funny car gocart

    i just picked this up. looks like it was outside forever and somone oiled the glass body to make it red again. frame looks like it got a quicky paint job. thats all i got. anybody know anything about it? age? thanks!
  2. pomfish

    Bird Funny Car Go Kart

    Pretty cool and not a bad price. Bird Engineering Go Kart - H30 Tecumseh Engine - USA Made - Original
  3. jbrewton

    Funny as hell

    There's a whole series of these by Randall, educational and funny The Crazy Nastyass Honey Badger (original narration by Randall) - YouTube
  4. 93notch408

    Funny vid dubstep cat!

    stereo skifcha ~ dubstep cat [1 hour loop] - YouTube it's a 1 hour loop video but the first few seconds will make u crack up
  5. Newoldstock

    Funny serious adds.

    This one is had to read. But if you read it with a realy thick french accent then it all makes sence... 01 SxR700 Tripple - Sudbury Snowmobiles For Sale - Kijiji Sudbury Canada.
  6. Jeff Clark

    So sad But Funny

    Obama’s Chicago home gets foreclosed Actual Grit
  7. jesse8931

    Funny little story.

    I just finished doing a 88cc and a hotter cam for my little honda passport that is like 3 colors. :laugh: Well this thing stock did around 45 on a good day and is now pushing 60. So this morning Tammy and I are crusing around and some kid on a newer db30 with a red clone and a strait pipe...
  8. firefighterbyrd

    funny story

    me and my buddy were out riding our minis last night around 1:30am at a local school parking lot. we were both bored and he called me up and said lets get into somthin, so i said lets get out on the bikes and he wound up bringin his daughters honda 50f cause his bonanza was givin him problems...
  9. oldfatguy

    not a minibike but still a funny listing

    GAS ENGINE BELT DRIVEN ARBOR GRINDER MAYTAG BRIGGS STRATTON BLACKSMITH TOOL | eBay when you read the description he said that he would combine shipping costs when the POS is sold. He abbreviated possible but somehow this just seemed funny the way he wrote it.
  10. markus

    foremost "El Tigre", funny mods

    I had to go up to Jacksonville for some training for my job this week so I searched the local craigslist up there and found an add for a mini bike. Said it was a chrome frame 5hp bike thats about it no pic. I called and got a little more info of course got the typical " I think its a Rupp"...
  11. Bonanza Bryan

    This is Funny

    YouTube - ‪Bin Laden's Death explained‬‏
  12. J

    Funny pic !

    Check out the mini :laugh: That thing is Kewl !
  13. W

    Funny smell after riding

    Having a funny smell from my clutch/engine after cruising on my baja bug with a 6.5 clone in it. Got the mounting kit from Chris, and installed everything per instructions. The only thing I am concerned about is the part where you line the engine up with the rear tire so "no chain binding...
  14. P

    Funny video.. I'm the one with the mask on!

    YouTube - Scooby Doo?
  15. blkscorpion80


  16. mmisterbungl

    Any Cat owners on the forum? Funny vid

    YouTube - Cat Wears Bunny Hat Like A Boss
  17. Bonanza Bryan

    Saw this on Tosh.0 So Funny

    YouTube - Banana Song (I'm A Banana)
  18. jbrewton


    This is from some website telling folks how to buy a used minibike. We should all go buy a new bike from Harbor Freight and China since they are easier to maintain! "Inspecting The Model – Once you source the bike for you, make sure that it is of a recent model. The newer the model the...
  19. The Restore Kid

    friggin funny as hell....

    I don't think this thread was named right.. Gotta be one of the funniest things I've ever seen pulled here.. I don't think enough people saw the thread though because it wasn't named.. (Laughed so hard I may have messed myself) :laugh...
  20. jbrewton

    Just got Tule Trooper, kinda funny

    Just got this Trooper, anyone know about the trannys?? I know they came with a James tranny, the one in mine says Albion with a Edwards tags rivited on from factory?? I also have an Albion in my Rokon that has the kick start added on. Is the Albion an option? or the same company as James?