Cleaning out the garage and found!

Well Thanks to Ogygopsis! he drove 6hours to get the fox, i know he will make it look great but he tells me he is working on 10 fox campus bikes right now? WOW! Well glad to see another member and gave him a great deal, very nice guy thanks again!
I find things every now and then. Found afew sets of Taco shocks last year. It's what happens when you've been doing it for a long time. things get forgot about. I'm bad about picking up car and minibike parts at swapmeets and stashing them away never to be seen again for years.

I'm gearing up to start clearing out my front garage soon, so there should be some cool stuff pop up. I know there's a lot of Bonanza and Go Power wheels staswhed in there in different places. Been slow at work here, so I've been going through stuff here and having one of my guys disassemble wheels to blast aorund here. Also been having him mock up some of my rollers to stash away upstairs until the time comes to build them. They just take up too much room disassembled.


Well-Known Member
cool smallbikes that you sold it to Ogygopsis. he has been looking for a long time for that style bike. me and markg have been keeping are eyes open for one in are state and no luck and we only live about a hour away from where they made them back in the day.....:shrug: