Powell Bro Serial Numbers List


Active Member
Before this bike the swing arms were different and the forks were shorter.

Feb 19th ‘69 2525-D 5Hp Briggs w/ new High Rise frame 2 inches higher ground clearance.

james c

Active Member

powell serial number 6951

Powell Info
James, this is your bike and Don I think you want this info for the registry; I received this from Alan Powell

Paul, regarding the serial number 6951-MO: In the production book the serial number 6881-MO is listed as “New Model” 8-12-71 and the M's became MO's after that serial number. I am not sure what the change was. More interesting to me is who bought the bike and which 6951-MO it is. There were two – maybe the only duplication out there. But there is still more. The first one was sold to Bob Fraser. Bob was a nephew to Channing Powell on his wife's side. Bob was also the one who took the third camp car shell (see bio) and finished it in the early seventies. We have not been able to locate that camp car after Bob sold it. The second 6951-MO (or maybe the first) was sold to Myrtle Vaughan who was Leroy's wife. Leroy was a long-term employee – and I mean long term . . . since the thirties, and before my dad met my mom. Leroy started “Leroy's Scooter Farm” in Corona and sold a lot of Powell bikes while he was working for Powell Bros. I have no explanation for the duplication.
Check out FUNDAY #3 in "EVENTS"
My Powell is a stock rolling frame serial # 1331-A. Could you tell me what year it was made and the model. I believe it is a Challenger model. Thanks Robert

I do not see serial numbers on my Powell. Are they all on the top rail next to the Spring looking gismo that the shifter fits into? Like in that picture earlier in this thread where the Letter L was?

I would like to add my serial number to the Forum. I would also like for a collector to get ahold of the bike.

I have a Vintage 5 hours Briggs I was going to stick in it too. Ill post the serial numbers for the Powell and the Briggs. The Briggs are easy to see.
Powell H

Hey Don,

The ser no. Of the second Powell is 5699 H. My other Powell is the model D, previously owned by Rockwall. Too much paint, hard to red the no.




Our other brother, Douglas has just bought a model B from MiniBike Paul. He'll post the number later.